Science and Art, Sir Leckraz Teelock SSS

I had this immense honour to meet a physics teacher during my internship at Sir Leckraz Teelock State Secondary School when i was a student of Arts at the Fashion and Design Institute last year. 

I was not really into science, science is far, not even into mathematics.. Then the physics teacher showed up during a small break. He was apparently looking for me. We talked. He wanted to learn the way art functions, and i was not even curious about science until he brought me interest.

Since then we kept in touch. During breaks, after school hours and even in my free periods i would attend his class to understand his way of teaching things. Throughout this whole process of work placement we were discussing; ideas, theories and different philosophies. We still meet.

This experience made me embark into this teaching and learning journey.

Glad to share this, thanks for your time.. ✌


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