
Showing posts from February, 2021

Google classroom

Google classroom functions like real classroom. It is easily accessible and manipulated. The aim of this free web service is simply creating, distributing and grading assignments.  The main purpose is to bring technological innovations in the classroom; a process where teachers and students can share their files.

Science and Art, Sir Leckraz Teelock SSS

I had this immense honour to meet a physics teacher during my internship at Sir Leckraz Teelock State Secondary School when i was a student of Arts at the Fashion and Design Institute last year.  I was not really into science, science is far, not even into mathematics.. Then the physics teacher showed up during a small break. He was apparently looking for me. We talked. He wanted to learn the way art functions, and i was not even curious about science until he brought me interest. Since then we kept in touch. During breaks, after school hours and even in my free periods i would attend his class to understand his way of teaching things. Throughout this whole process of work placement we were discussing; ideas, theories and different philosophies. We still meet. This experience made me embark into this teaching and learning journey. Glad to share this, thanks for your time.. ✌

Welcome to my blog !

Hello ! this is where i will share my journey with you ! Pleasure to be in this class and eager to learn the use of technology. ✌